Take one of our many self-directed courses at your own pace

Introduction Courses

Cultural Somatics 5 Session eCourse

CSI 101: Racialized Trauma
Advanced Courses
These are more advanced classes. The prerequisite for registering for the advanced courses and/or the Five Course Bundle is to first attend a live-virtual Foundations in Embodied Somatic Abolitionism course with Resmaa through Black Octopus Society.
These classes will have updated videos and content and provide participants with tempering and conditioning reps. The classes are intended to be opportunities for repetitive periodic review. Each rep provides an opportunity to address somatic elicitations.

Foundations in Embodied Somatic Abolitionism
Racialized trauma has taken root in ALL bodies, whether through experiencing racism, witnessing racism, or enacting racism. Embodied Somatic Abolitionism is a living, embodied anti-racist practice and cultural building—a way of being in the world. It is a return to the age-old wisdom of human bodies respecting, honouring, and resonating with other human bodies. It is not exclusively a goal, an attitude, a belief, an idea, a strategy, a movement, a government, a plan, a system, a political belief, or a step forward.
$395 – 650

Somatic Elicitation Practice

CSI 201: The Basics of Somatic Abolitionism: From the Individual to the Communal
Discover how to evaluate your body out of curiosity, rather than fear and have the capacity to relate to the connection of mind and body and reclaim it. Gain an understanding and knowledge of the effects of sociocultural factors and the historical content on the physical and mental health of the body.

CSI 210: Racialization and Communal Leadership in Relation to Somatic Abolitionism

CSI 226: Land Theft and Racialization Trauma of BIBOC in Relation to Somatic Abolitionism

CSI 251: Ethics of Somatic Abolitionism

Five Course Advanced Bundle
Buy all five courses now and save!
With this advanced course bundle purchase, you will receive:
- Somatic Elicitation Practice
- CSI 201
- CSI 210
- CSI 226
- CSI 251